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Government Of Assam Housing & Urban Affairs

Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)
Components of Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)

Public Toilets & Urinals

Public Toilets & Urinals

Under SBM (Urban), States and ULBs will ensure that a sufficient number of public toilets and Urinals are constructed in each city. All prominent places within the city attracting floating population should be covered.

Care should be taken to ensure that public toilets have adequate provision for men, women and facilities for the disabled (e.g. ramp provision, braille signage, etc.) wherever necessary.

ULBs should ensure that all Public Toilets and Urinals being constructed under SBM (Urban) are built in tandem with water supply arrangements in ULBs.

Central government incentive for the construction of public toilets and urinals will be in the form of 40% Grant/VGF, for each toilet block constructed. The base unit cost of PTs will be calculated at Rs 98000 per seat, wherein the VGF/Grant will be upto 40% of the project cost (i.e. VGF/Grant of Rs 39,200 per seat). For urinals, base unit cost of PTs will be calculated at Rs 32000 per seat, wherein the VGF/Grant will be upto 40% of the project cost (i.e. VGF/Grant of Rs 12,800 per seat). This will be subject to overall state-wise funds envelope – sum of allocation under IHHL and CTs for the entire Mission period.

The remaining funds have to be generated as indicated in the SBM(U) Scheme Guideline. Additionally, states and ULBs may also identify land for public toilets, and leverage this land and advertisements to encourage the private sector to construct and manage public toilets through a PPP agreement. Additional funding support by any other means can also be used for public toilets. ULBs may also put up mobile toilets for use as public toilets.

The Projects will be prepared, sanctioned and implemented by ULBs. In the entire project approval and procurement process, all provisions and procedures as prescribed by respective State Governments for ULBs must be followed in their entirety. The entire approval procedure should end at the ULB level. To this end the States are required to empower the ULBs if not already done so. This includes the delegation of powers to allot land (for this purpose) to ULB’s and mechanisms to leverage this land to make the Public Toilet a viable project.

All Public Toilets and urinals constructed under SBM must have a minimum 5 year maintenance contract.

ULBS should ensure that for the convenience of the public, at every public place (banks, post offices, bus stops, petrol pumps, metro stations, hospitals, restaurants, schools, health centres, anganwadis, citizen centres) there should be at least one public toilet available, and that the facility should be kept functional and open for public use.