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Government Of Assam Housing & Urban Affairs

Contact us

Address and Contact Details of the Head of office: 

Smt Kavitha Padmanabhan, IAS 
Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Assam
Department of Housing & Urban Affairs
A-Block, Ground Floor, Janata Bhawan, Dispur

Whom to Contact for: 
Purpose of contact: 
Matters relating to T&CP, GMDA, Guwahati Jal Board, SBM, PMAY(U), DAY-NULM & AMRUT etc.
Name of the officer: 
Shri Pabitra Ram Khaund, IAS
Photo of the officer: 
Designation of the Officer: 
Secretary to the Govt. of Assam
Purpose of contact: 
Matters relating to DMA, AUWA&SB etc.
Name of the officer: 
Shri Palash Barooah, ACS
Photo of the officer: 
Designation of the Officer: 
Secretary to the Govt. of Assam